Monday, December 10, 2012

How You Can Transform Frequent Flyer Miles and Hotel Points They Earn Into Dream Trips of a Lifetime

The best free room I ever had? There have been many, but one that comes to mind is the six-night stay my family and I enjoyed at the Park Hyatt in Tokyo. Incredibly, there was no check-in desk. As we entered the hotel, we were ushered straight to our room on the 40th floor by elevator, where we walked through the elegant lobby marveling at the spectacular views over Tokyo. Only after we were situated in our room did a staff person visit us. We signed the necessary paperwork in about 2 minutes--all from the luxury and comfort of the desk in our own room.

The amenities alone made our stay memorable. The huge bathroom greeted us with marble everywhere, while a giant tub invited us to sit, soak, and relax. Not only were the best shampoos, conditioners, and lotions provided each day, but also a new, top-of-the-line hairbrush and nailbrush. We lounged in complimentary silk kimonos and donned thick bathrobes after using the pool and spa--just a quick elevator ride away on the 52nd floor amid a dazzling 360-degree view of Tokyo.

For all of this, we paid absolutely nothing, not even room tax. But, as we all know, there is no such thing as "free." It actually took 21 paid nights at Hyatt Hotels, using a promotional offer, to earn enough hotel points for that five-night complimentary stay.

But here is the key point: When you accrue hotel points or intend to use some promotion toward free nights, make the most of what they offer! Just as you would use those free nights you earn only at hotels which might otherwise be out of your budget, redeem your frequent flyer miles for the most expensive air tickets in business or first class.

Research consistently shows that almost two-thirds of all redeemed frequent flyer miles are used for free coach class trips within the US or between the US and Canada. This statistic amazes me. Because these awards usually cost 25,000 frequent flyer miles, travelers who cash them in towards domestic leisure trips--for which airfares are unusually low in today's competitive travel market--receive a poor return on their investment. The savvy traveler can reach almost any domestic destination today in coach class for under $400 using an advance purchase ticket. With low-cost airlines such as America West now offering first class cabins for travel anywhere in the US priced under $1,000 (and frequently matched by the major competing airlines), even premium class is more affordable than ever before. Why not wait until you have accrued 100,000 to 200,000 miles and splurge on one or two premium class tickets for travel abroad?

You may argue that you want to use your frequent flyer miles quickly--before the airlines go out of business. Critics across the board are heralding the demise of all major airlines, and with it the frequent flyer mile programs savvy travelers have come to love--and hate! Countless "travel authorities" wax lyrical in newspapers and journals, and "knowledgeable" pundits on radio and TV continue to warn travelers to use up their miles quickly before they are all worthless. How utterly ridiculous....

With the exception of US Airways, which I believe will disappear from the landscape in the next few months, the majors are here to stay for the time being--so continue to accumulate frequent flyer miles and be ready to book your dream trip one day in the not-too-distant future. Will airline miles be devalued in the future? Of course they will--and so will the greenbacks in your pocket and mutual fund account, but that hasn't stopped you going out and earning dollars each workday, has it? Get real now--the major airlines will need their frequent flyer programs for many years into the future, not only as a way to communicate with their customers, but also as a source of revenue from the thousands of businesses (banks, mutual funds, restaurants, long distance phone companies--how do we count the ways?) that offer frequent flier miles as rewards to their loyal customers. Your hotel points are even more secure, not least since the major hotel chains have not hemorrhaged money in the same manner as the major airlines. So keep earning those Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt, and Starwood loyalty points to enjoy the kind of stay I describe in the opening story.

It's really the exotic destinations--from Tahiti to Paris, Antigua to Rio de Janeiro--that should excite you, the sophisticated world traveler who lusts for the unique, the unusual, the spectacular experiences. Start imagining--and planning--the fabulous trips that will take you to a whole new level of exhilaration. Decide which portion of paradise has the highest priority on your wish list--and figure out the amount of miles you'll need for one or two or more business or first class tickets to transform your dreams into reality. Then begin working on strategies to start racking up the miles as fast as possible to accelerate your quest toward mileage nirvana.

And bon voyage!

How You Can Transform Frequent Flyer Miles and Hotel Points They Earn Into Dream Trips of a Lifetime   How You Can Transform Frequent Flyer Miles and Hotel Points They Earn Into Dream Trips of a Lifetime   How You Can Transform Frequent Flyer Miles and Hotel Points They Earn Into Dream Trips of a Lifetime   

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions

You've seen one or two bad movies in your time, right? And you've told your date, "I could do better than that." Your instincts are probably right.

You already know Hollywood seems locked into making the same tired, old plots, over and over. But you have an idea for a better movie rolling around inside your brain.

Well, here's opportunity knocking.

A former Hollywood executive is willing to make your screenplay into a movie if you're the winner of a winner-take-all competition. John Hart, former vice-president for BrightStar Productions, has founded an independent studio in Oregon, a state that is now known as "Hollywood North," and he's ready to make the winning idea into a movie.

The competition is called MakeMyScreenplay and it's the only one of its kind. The winner gets his or her script made into a feature-length movie, and here's the best part: the winner also gets fifty-percent (50%) of all revenue generated from theatrical, televison, and DVD sales.

What kind of money are we talking about here?

Well, "Blair Witch Project," a low-budget independent movie, made outside of Hollywood, grossed $140,530,114 dollars in the U.S., according to the Internet Movie Database. Another recent independent hit also made outside of Hollywood, "Napoleon Dynamite," grossed $44,540,956 in the U.S.

Can you write something like that? Or better? If you can, MakeMyScreenplay will make the movie, and you'll get half the money.

Writing a screenplay isn't that difficult. The format is a breeze to follow. What you really need is a good idea and some screenwriting software, and the will to finish it. Make it a group project. Get your whole family involved.

The rules are pretty simple and you can see them all at []. You aren't eligible if you've already won before, or you have a produced theatrical or television movie.

The winning script will be shot in Oregon in High-Definition format, with Sony's new high-definition camera, the HVR-Z1U, and we'll edit it, add music and sound effects, and send you a DVD when it's done. Then we'll show it off to the world. Neither of make any money unless we get it sold somewhere, right?

So enough whining about the bad movies you've seen. Do something about it. Write your own and we'll make it. Check out the details at [], and good luck with your script! We're looking forward to reading it.

Contest Advice for Screenplay Writers   Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   Contest Advice for Screenplay Writers   Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   

Pole Barn Garages

Whether it's for commercial or residential use, a pole barn building is a great option for a garage. Keeping vehicles safe from foul weather and other outdoor hazards is essential to the longevity of your cars and trucks and with a well designed and expertly crafted pole building you can have a multiple vehicle garage installed quickly so you won't have to worry about snow, rain, high winds and excessive UV sunlight. While pole buildings can serve many purposes including storage for farm equipment and machinery and as sheds for horses and other animals, one of the most popular applications is to use the pole building as a residential or commercial garage.

Not every home includes a garage and most farms and construction sites won't have stand alone garages either. The cost of putting in a stick frame building may be too much for your budget in which case it might be in your best interest to consider installing a pole barn building instead. Cheaper than traditional garages and able to be built in half the time, a pole building is a cost-effective choice for protecting cars as well as commercial vehicles including trucks, tractors and harvesters. If you leave vehicles and equipment outside there's a very good chance that the combination of foul weather and other outdoor hazards will cause wear and tear that can lead to damage that may require expensive repairs or purchasing new vehicles.

A pole barn garage can be easily designed and sometimes installed in just one day. Depending on the size and shape of your garage and if you plan on customizing it may take a little longer but on average pole buildings go up pretty fast. Having a pole building carport will make life much easier for you around the house and on commercial property such as farms and construction sites. In addition to providing safe housing for vehicles a pole building can also be used as storage space for building materials, tools, agricultural supplies and miscellaneous items.

The versatility of a pole barn garage makes it a very valuable building to have on your property. When the weather is nice you may not need to store your car or truck in the garage but can use the pole building for other storage needs including equipment, machinery and food stocks. Pole barn garages can also be customized to add windows, porches, Dutch doors and overhangs so you have a unique carport that serves all your residential and commercial needs.

Why Use Shelves In Your Self Storage Unit   Best 11 Storage Tips for Small Spaces at Home   Self-Storage - Does This Storage Solution Have Any Advantages?   The Benefits of Renting Self Storage Facilities   Sliding Garaged Door Versus Side Hinged Garage Door   

Modified Humans with High Tech Components Will Soon Thought Swap in Social Networks

Judging by the title of this article, I am sure I've got your full attention. Recently, I was speaking to an acquaintance out in California, an up and coming intellectual of sorts and we got onto the topic of how the human body talks to itself. For instance, when you are hungry, your stomach sends signals to your brain, and since there are neurons in the stomach for instance and yes, everything is connected in the complex human bio-system (as Josh Balaban recently reminded me), or any organism for that matter.

Josh also reminded me that a stimulus, thought, or a question is what causes the first action. Okay so, yes, often "we" or rather the academics often see the stimulus and question within the same process. Knowing this reality, plus the current evolution of social networks and the blurring of human/computer interfaces, one might ask; will humans someday have a "social networking chip" attached to the organic brain, where, we can thought swap, rather than have to use Siri on the iPhone to send a message?

Think of the potential applications, for instance entertainment value; what if someone who had an adrenal rush, perhaps from a B.A.S.E. jump could send that sensation to their "friends" on "MindBook" for instance? Maybe, one could send a memory, or experience too, and charge for it. So you could sit back, and open that zip file in your brain chip and "feel" the rush for instance?

Okay, now let me ramp up the dialogue and go through some rather way-out thoughts here.

If we are now adding sensors to the organic biosystem to compliment it, for instance eye sensors which might also have infrared, "Bionic" type eye, and see frequency, then the individual would have more input to respond too and have a different experience, yet, still within the same environment - would this person "know" more, or "know" differently due to the value-added perception available?

Would this indeed help them in many ways and give them the advantage over another, or would it hurt their ability to rapidly respond due to too much information. For instance, in WWII someone who was color blind would not be fooled by camouflage, so they had the advantage, but had weaker abilities and lacking in sight sense abilities. See that point?

What questions might be "asked" by the brain of a shark seeing by sonar, or a bat trying to navigate a rotating wind-turbine blade - or flying into a music hall with the lights off? How fast and intelligently could they respond to that knew and unknown or un-experienced environment, and what of the human with the new features implanted, could they respond or be flustered by something so foreign, and if they had these senses how long until their brain adapted, reformatted let's say the spatial reasoning part of their brain to really utilize all this new information to their advantage?

Would they like it, dismiss it, want to take it out, or would it merely be a 2-3 day adjustment, and all of a sudden, they'd have what others might describe as a sixth sense when in reality it was only an assisted elevated sense of the same, in this case a robust boost in eye-sight?

And then, what of the "clicking" used by some Amazon and African tribes to hear-see in the dark, how come they have the ability and those in Los Angeles can't even hear a bus about to run them over due to the over abundance of information flow? Would a bigger brain or a better structured brain, or differently formatted brain work better, choose to use the information differently, and is the basic premise merely a throw-back to the reality that the human brain is so marvelous a device that it can adapt or format as needed to nearly any environment once the "user" focuses on the needs, wants, and desires due to their thoughts, decisions, questions, and stimulus process?

Can we design sensors to interface in such a way to boost and accelerate communication and merge the global world with each individual? And can we do this in such a way to make it all work in a positive way without creating a mass mob of the mindless Borg of humanity? Please consider all this and think on it.

Why Are Social Networks So Addictive? The Secrets Behind the Addictive Nature of Social Networks   Social Media Marketing - The Marketing Strategy Of Today   How Blogging Can Help You Position Your Business   Social Networking - A Web Trend That's Here To Stay - Ways To Utilize The Power Of The Social Media   

Damage? Loss? Leave the Golf Clubs at Home and Hire!

Transporting golf equipment overseas can be a challenge even for the most intrepid of international travelers. The logistics involved in getting those prized assets onto the plane can lead you to question your decision to take them in the first place! Then throw the costs of insurance and airline oversize baggage fees into the mix and the doubts in the mind grow still further!

But arguably the biggest single fear of any golfer - one that has inspired the storyline of many a nightmare - is seeing the baggage carousel start up and your golf bag emerge in a state of disrepair, with your favorite seven-iron protruding out of a rip in a previously unblemished golf bag! Too much information?

Well information is one thing that is usually at a premium when the same carousel comes to an abrupt halt and your clubs are no where to be seen! Arriving on the next flight in, arriving tomorrow, or perhaps not arriving at all, just a few of the countless scenarios presented by the oh so helpful baggage handler!

And these painful visions are not reserved solely for us amateurs, damaged or lost equipment is also the bane of the tour pros. Hard to believe? Well two recent 'tweets' broadcast by European Tour golfer, Oliver Wilson and PGA Tour regular, Aaron Badderly, support this claim.

There is little accurate statistical information around to measure the value of insurance payouts on golf equipment damage, but it is thought to run into millions of dollars each year. Add to this the hidden costs of repair and replacing equipment for golfers without insurance, and the case for hiring golf equipment becomes stronger still.

Making claims to insurance companies can be a long and frustrating process and even when the assessor has completed his work and the claim is settled it is very rare that the full value of the missing or damage article is paid in full.

Then there is the emotional card. Us golfers are strange animals. The game we love is one of touch and feel, confidence plays a huge part and superstition and fickleness abounds! Indeed how many times have we read of Tour pros bringing a trusty old putter, out of hibernation in an attempt to break a run of poor form? How many times have you ventured into the depths of a storeroom or garage to find that old trustworthy seven-iron that once served so well? The loss or damage of a favourite weapon can be devastating!

So why take the chance? Why not leave all your worry and stress at home with your golf clubs and use the money saved from sidestepping insurance and airline baggage costs to hire a set at your destination? If the emotional tie is too strong then hire the same set as the one you have left behind, or try something new. The hiring option offers both opportunities and in turn adds value and enjoyment to your golfing vacation.

How to Play Links Golf   Golf Breaks in Spain - Tee Off in the Sun   Golf Breaks in Spain - Tee Off in the Sun   

Simple Words

The words, the thoughts, the processes go on and on.

As simple as it may seem to me I tend to feel that all words have their own meaning and not always the dictionary form.

A simple word takes the form of many other words as each individual person who hears it puts it through a transformation process.

A doctor can take a word and change it into a disease. A carpenter can take a word and change it into a tool.

Is it that no one is listening or is it that each person listens only to what they know currently?

Debates take a turn at each word that is change and looked at in a different way by the person listening. According to our knowledge we can take a prayer and turn it into a blatant statement of hatred or immoral intrusion.

We can take a statement that spews hate and turn it into a humanitarian effort.

The words that tell, the words that say, the words that we hear and acknowledge everyday make us what we are if we allow them to.

It is the definition as we see it and nothing more. Depending on how stubborn a person is the prayer, the hatred can be anything.

A long line of definitions and the end of any Thesaurus will change the meaning according to the word you pick hate can become love and loving can become despising. This is the way a person's mind can work and in the end it all blends into the way a person listens.

If all you know is hatred, it is not hard to imagine what love could be. Still depending on the words that you know it can turn itself into a field of flowers or the face of a monster.

Every word has a meaning and that meaning can be twisted and turned into so many different forms that it can take forever to get through if the person listening does not understand your meaning and what it means to you.

Human beliefs are a large part of the basis of the definitions that are out there. What could be simple and what is simple can, and at times can become complex and confusing.

Confusion occurs when a word we learned as a child takes a different form and we are unaccustomed to it being used in that way. Simple can be so much better but the world is complex and if the ones that hold the knowledge contained in a Thesaurus use it, the world can and will become the definition of what they believe in if only because no one can truly understand what is happening.

It will get to the point where not only will people not understand what is happening because they do not understand the use of the wording. But the other people will not understand because they have evolved to a place where simplicity means nothing.

It is everywhere and few see it.

It is in politics, they make wrongs right, according to the wording of laws and bills. It is in corporations as they justify the wrongs or the lies that they come upon every day. It is in the very fabric of the religions that will change what they need to according to what they want to believe in.

Simple, look it up!

Simple Words   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   

RSS - Affiliate Marketing Resource to Multiply Traffic to Your Site

One may set up a fantastic website to market affiliate products but without the traffic, there will be no sales. This is where RSS comes in as a great affiliate marketing resource.

There is just too much information presented to Internet users. They typically scan instead of read the information. RSS is very useful for such people. RSS is used by marketers to drive more traffic and is known to be one of the top ten techniques to improve ratings. When using RSS, you will notice an increase in traffic.

RSS improves search engine rankings

RSS enables higher search engine rankings, resulting in more traffic to your website. For better results, set up a blog on your main domain. This will further improve the results.

RSS builds relationships and trust

RSS acts as a means of constant contact with your visitors without having to provide any email ids. People visiting your website may like your content and decide to add your RSS in their reader or aggregator.

They can browse your daily headlines and visit your website if they find something interesting. After some visits, they may decide to provide their email ids if they find the content useful.

This is how RSS provides a way of building relationships and trust.

RSS is a powerful alternative to email marketing

While getting people's email ids gives you immense opportunities for continued contact with your subscribers, it is not all that easy to get email ids.

RSS provides a powerful alternative to this for promoting your website without knowing the email address.

RSS is a powerful marketing technique

Use RSS technology as an affiliate marketing resource to help dominate your niche. RSS readers allows visitors to quickly see new content added to the website, with the possibility of them clicking through to your web page.

Generate a Flourishing Subscriber List With Really Simple Syndication Intelligence   What Does RSS Stand For?   What is the Goal of Being an RSS Feed Publisher?   Enhancing Your Article Marketing Strategy Through RSS Feeds   What is RSS and How Can it Help Your Marketing?   The Work at Home Women RSS Feed - What is it, What Does it Do, and Why Do I Need it?   

Computers Are the Core of E-Commerce

It's extremely well-known how much the web has revolutionized how we live our daily lives and perform regular tasks. This is demonstrated through our communication with peers, how we find our information and notably, how we shop.

The popularity of online shopping has risen drastically over the last few years. It's no wonder that many retailers are now finding most of their revenue is generated from online sales. Its convenience is what sets it apart from in-store shopping. You don't waste time traveling to shops, items are less likely to be out of stock, and e-commerce stores often offer larger discounts on their products/services.

Getting a Computer System for Your Business

Most obvious of all the necessary tools for success when it comes to e-commerce is undoubtedly a computer. You'll need a computer system to manage information for your business. The size of the system depends on how much you want to do with it. However, today's desktop computers are capable of handling the demands of e-commerce.

What's Next?

It's going to be important that you protect you computers that are in place for your e-commerce business. Not only are they the heart of your business, but once you are connected to the Internet, you've opened yourself to a world that anyone is capable of accessing.

Monitor your Computer or Server Room

If you're looking for a device that will monitor your computer or server room for environmental conditions (temperature, power outages etc.), physical security and even monitor your IP devices, you've got options. Power failures and high temperatures are the largest cause of data loss and system downtime in businesses worldwide. According to a survey by the Yankee Group, almost half of the corporations researched put their downtime costs at upwards of $1,000 per hour. Nine percent estimated costs of up to more than $50,000 an hour!

Sensaphone's IMS Alarm Units

These units will monitor your computer room, server room, and thanks to the expandability of the IMS-4000, you could even monitor your entire building and its network devices.

Sensaphone IMS-1000 Environmental and IP Monitor

The IMS-1000 provides a flexible, web-based monitoring system for many applications. It connects to any Ethernet network and has a built in web server for viewing status, making programmable changes, and reviewing data log history. Up to eight sensors can be connected to monitor a wide variety of conditions; including temperature, humidity, physical security, smoke, fire, power, etc. Power failure monitoring is built in along with a rechargeable battery backup.

Sensaphone IMS-4000 Environmental and IP Monitor

Introducing the Sensaphone IMS-4000, this is a stand-alone infrastructure monitoring system with integrated voice and modem, internal UPS, flash-disk storage, and a web server, in a simple-to-install package. The Sensaphone IMS-4000 system provides complete monitoring for your computer facility or any building with a network. Monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, smoke, sound level, motion, water, intrusion and power outages with the IMS-4000. When a sensor exceeds the threshold, you are immediately notified of the condition.

3 Ways to Get the Best Black Friday Deals   Building Your E-Commerce Website With HTML   Get Acquainted With Online Marketplace Management Services   Starting an Online Business - A Guide for Newbies   Business Development Online   

What Business Owners Can Do About Employee Theft

If you're an employer and you suspect unfaithful behaviour in your work place, I will list a few ways of how you can stop and catch unfaithful dealings. Firstly you need to know what you are looking for;

Is a certain employee or employees going missing during the day and not where they should be? Do they volunteer to stay behind later and do over time? Missing stock Unusual behaviour. I.e. Looking away from the cameras, going for a very long fag break or moving car or vans. Finding large boxes and bags, which you are unaware of. Money not adding up

The list can go on forever but you have an idea of what to look for now. Obviously you're going to know that you have a thief in the business if the cash till is always down or expensive stock (diesel) always lower than they actually customer intake is.

Ways to help protect you and your business.

If you suspect unfaithful behaviour in your workplace they are many methods that can help you protect your belongings and your faithful employees. If you have any just started to notice strange happenings it's always best if you monitor the situation yourself for a while before you jump the gun. They are some very useful cost-effective tips how you can help yourself.

Do regular checks of stock and keep stock of greater value locked up with only team leaders and higher personal access to keys. Have a clock in system for all stock - Put somebody in charge of the stock and every time somebody needs a product make them sign for it and its use. (So can check up if needs be) Do random visits to shop floor. (Don't make them the same time every day or week as employees will pick up on this) Keep locks on diesel pumps and have some sort of system where drivers can only get access by filling in registration, date/time and name before the diesel is granted.

If you have tried the above and added your own strategies there are other ways to help you but may involve spending money. But sometimes you have to spend money to save money right? Well it all depends on how much is being stolen and the loss you are facing. Obviously you're not going to want to spend £4000 on a CCTV system if you're only a small organization and can't afford it. Below is another list of ways to help protect:

Install CCTV cameras. Hire a Private Detective (Undercover) Plant step up products.

I'm just going to explain a few of the above as it may have confused you. Obviously the CCTV is simply and hopefully you will understand the logics behind that sort of system. What I mean by Hire a Private Detective' is they can deploy undercover covert employees' they will be in the workforce working alongside employees and will try to get all the information they can with staying 'covert'. (Undercover) They can wear body cameras and will log all suspicious activities at a relevant time. The best way to find a private detective is to use search engines such as; Google, Bing, etc. The internet is a very powerful tool and will give you all the information you need to know. When searching for a private investigator to conduct employee surveillance it is always best to type in the key words, i.e. Private Investigators - Employee Surveillance.

You may also want to plant dummy products preferable of high cost and relevant to what's going missing. E.g. you work in a factory and metal pipes are going missing from the stock room. Leave it out in the open not to obvious and monitor it with a 'discreet covert camera'.

When you hire private investigators to undertake covert undercover surveillance it is always best to keep it on the low and only tell people who need to know, i.e. other managers, directors.

What Business Owners Can Do About Employee Theft   What Business Owners Can Do About Employee Theft   What Business Owners Can Do About Employee Theft   

One Month Car Insurance - The Need of the Hour

Getting car insurance can be a headache for anyone, especially if one is looking to get a one month car insurance. But if one is willing to do a little research, he should be able to find such a short term auto insurance. Mostly people require such insurance when they are going out for a trip. Also, it may so happen that your car is newly bought and you haven't quite figured out what the correct insurance for your car will be. Again, many people are not particularly sure about which insurance company or policy to settle for; for them too, a short term and in particular, the one month car insurance is ideal.

If you are looking to travel abroad or out of town for a period of 30 days, then it is better to look for a short term insurance. You may not want to travel all the destinations while on your trip using public transports like buses or taxis. But at the same time, if you do take your car along with you, you need to insure it, which is why the one month car insurance is so important in such cases. Neither would you have to unnecessarily make a long term commitment of one year or more, nor do you have to risk your car and its passengers during the trip.

If you are, say, going to the United States or somewhere else in the UK also, it would be illegal to drive a car without insurance. One month car insurance would insure not only the car from damages during collision, but will also cover costs of treatment of injuries to the passengers of the car in case of any accident during the trip. At the same time, different accessories of your car like your audio system, the windscreen and the air conditioner can also be insured for damage or theft. Moreover, coverage of damages to third party due to personal injury will also be covered by a one month car insurance.

Usually, one month car insurance will be slightly more expensive, but if you are holidaying or going for a business trip for one month using your car, then it can come in pretty handy. You can search online for such insurances but be careful to compare the premiums and the interest rates of different providers. Also, some companies may not give coverage for repairing or servicing, so you need to check that out as well. A new driver can also be added under the scheme, provided he is above 21 years of age.

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Commerce in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, Georgia is unarguably the principle city of the Southeast. With a population topping five million (according to the 2010 US Census), Atlanta is only rivaled by Miami Florida in number of inhabitants. Its geographic location, positioned in the center of the Southeast (Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and the Carolinas) makes it ideal as a hub for interstate commerce, ground transportation and air travel.

It's little wonder why so many established businesses and commercial enterprises have made Atlanta their home or regional headquarters for Georgia and the Southeast. According to the Metro-Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, the city of Atlanta headquarters an even dozen Fortune 500 companies, 2100 international headquarters and literally thousands of small businesses and business franchises.

Other than the vibrant population and bustling local economy, Atlanta has a number of attractive qualities that makes it a formidable rival for traditional business centers like New York or Chicago. To begin with, Atlanta boasts a tremendous labor pool. With three major universities (Emory, Georgia Tech and Georgia State University) Atlanta's local, talented work force makes the city convenient to recruit executives, engineers, attorneys, managers, or whatever else is needed. When companies do find a need to import talent from other states or even countries, Atlanta has a lot to offer and our Atlanta lawyers are always here to assist your business.

The cost of living is relatively low in the Big Peach. This is very attractive to entry-level prospects and junior executives who are looking to stretch their salaries. In addition, Georgia is also known for it's moderate climate. Summers aren't scorching, like you'll find in other southern cities, and winter snow is a rare occurrence. Weather is important, as Atlanta is a culture and sports Mecca. All four major sports franchises are represented and there are events and celebrations the year round.

Transportation to and from Atlanta is yet another commercial advantage that this city has to offer over its rivals. Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport serves as a hub for several national and international airlines. Over eighty percent of the United States is accessible within two hours from Hartsfield-Jackson. That means shorter flights and fewer connections. Your executives, lawyers and salespeople will less time in the air and more time working.

Whether you are already having a business concern in Georgia, or are looking to relocate, it benefits businessmen and commerce companies in every industry to consider Atlanta as a base for their business operations. That's why the Atlanta business lawyers at Boling Rice, LLC are always here to help with your questions and concerns.

Don't Cherish the 2nd Amendment   Entitlements - Besides the Looming Economic Crisis, What Is the Real Problem?   How PACER Works   Why Getting A DWI Is So Bad   

Do I Need an Umbrella?

Have you ever hosted a party? If a guest is injured on your property or causes an accident after being served drinks at your home, you could be held responsible. Think about this for a moment...We've all hosted parties, right? Liability extends off the premises as well. On the subject of umbrella, let's say you're at an outdoor event and it starts raining, so you open up your umbrella and poke the person behind you in the eye. He decides to come after you for damages. It might be nice to have a little more coverage, right? My point is, when it comes to having more liability coverage, we could all use it.

Many people incorrectly assume they don't need umbrella insurance - that it's just for rich people. However, simple accidents can result in multi-million dollar lawsuits that put their important assets and future earnings at risk. Studies have shown the average homeowners policy has limits between $100,000 and $300,000 for Personal Liability. These days, this is not enough. In some cases, for as little as $10 a month (rates vary according to the risk and state), you can gain the protection and peace of mind with a Personal Umbrella.

Some highlights of having an Umbrella:

- Additional liability coverage from $1 million to $5 million.

- Bodily injury and property damage in an accident that exceeds your auto liability limit.

- Bodily injury in the event of an accident on your property in excess of your homeowners liability limits.

- Additional coverage for your primary and secondary homes, rental properties, automobile, motorcycle, motor home, watercraft and more.

- Legal defense fees not covered by your current policy - including libel or slander judgments.

- Extended protection for your current assets and future earnings.

Business Owner's Policy - BOP   Five Reasons Why You May Need A Liability Umbrella Policy?   The Overview Of Umbrella Policies   Who Needs an Umbrella?   

Outdoor Lighting and Decorating Ideas to Improve Your Backyard Space

These days, almost everyone is using their backyard space for more than just growing flowers. Many are turning this area into an extension of their home with outdoor furniture like dining tables, sectionals, and lounge chairs. This space is unique, allowing families to gather outdoors during cool summer nights for bar-b-ques and providing a place for fun parties and events to occur. Some even use the area as a quiet refuge, where they can sit in the morning, drink a cup of coffee, and contemplate their day.

If you have created a fun and usable outdoor living area, you'll want to be able to use it all the time, right? Without the correct Kosnic gu10 lighting, you may not be able to.

Outdoor Lighting Ideas

Outdoor lighting is essential to any outside space. Without it, you will be limited to the amount of time you can spend outside, and you may have to send your guests home early. With the right Kosnic gu10 lighting and a few decorating ideas, your outdoor living space can become a fun and safe atmosphere you can take advantage of long after the sun goes down.

Shell Arrangements- Casting an enchanting spell on your outdoor space is simple, and it doesn't have to be expensive. Visit your local hobby shop and pick up a tray, some sand, a few candles, and some lion's paw shells. Arrange the shells on end in the tray with sand around them and place the candles in-between. This can be the perfect center piece for your outdoor dining table, providing warmth, light, and a romantic atmosphere. You can even use this arrangement to ward off pesky bugs with citronella candles. Just remember that this arrangement should be used as accent lighting, and should not be substituted for overall lighting. Twinkle Twinkle- You may think that your string lights are only for Christmas, but they can be used all year round to light up your outdoor area. String the lights in trees around your perfectly positioned love seat and sectional, or hang them from the ceiling of your covered patio. Outdoor Ceiling Fans- If you have a roof above your patio or deck, consider installing an outdoor ceiling fan. The fan will not only come in handy on a hot summer day, but will provide you with fantastic overall lighting for your entire patio. Walkway Lights-Will your party guests need to follow a path or climb a set of stairs to reach your home or outdoor living space? Make sure these pathways are well lit with outdoor lighting. This will keep your guests safe and your homeowner's insurance from going up. When installing pathway lighting, be sure to stagger the lights. Placing them directly across from one another may result in shadowing areas where your guests can't see the path. Outdoor Lamps- Do you want to simply curl up on your sectional with a blanket and a good book? Consider outdoor lamps. These types of lamps will provide you with the right amount of task lighting so you can enjoy your evening of relaxation.

If you want your outdoor space to become a fun, safe, and exciting place for friends and family to visit, make sure you are using Kosnic gu10 outdoor lighting. With the right lighting, you can truly enjoy your outdoor living area, even after the sun goes down.

Sources for Great Garden Lighting Ideas   Woven Wire Table Lamps And Floor Lamp: The Standout Items   How To Make Wall Lights Work For You   Choosing a Power Supply for Your LED Strip Lights   Tips in Selecting and Installing Outdoor Christmas Lights   

Internal and External Glazing Repairs

Many areas of our homes and businesses are made from glass, not just the windows. However, with glass being fragile, it is prone to breakages. There is a common conception that once the glass element of a window, door or furniture item breaks the whole unit needs to be replaced. This I not the case as quality glazing repair companies are able to fix this problem without changing the whole unit.

Window Repairs

Windows are the most abundant glass product in our homes and therefore the chances of it being broken or in need of repair at some point are almost inevitable. If a double glazed window gets smashed, unfortunately the sealed unit itself will need replacing, not simply the glass. Be aware that the unit itself can be removed from the overall window frame and replaced easily. Do not be fooled by double glazing companies that may insist that the whole window needs replacing e.g. if you have a bay window and only one of the panes of glass gets destroyed.

A broken window can happen at any time of the day or night and cannot be left unattended to as it will result in a cold, unsecured property. Ensure that you know a local glazier who offers a 24 hour emergency repair or boarding service so that should you need them, you know who to contact.

Internal Glass Door Repair

Internal doors often feature a glass element as it allows light to pass through thus making the house more illuminated as a whole. It can also compliment the décor of the rooms, particularly if the glass is patterned.

The only issue with having glass in interior doors is that they often get slammed shut, causing the glass to weaken and sometimes shatter as a result. Also, children playing in houses often have little or no regard for the breakable items around them, occasionally leading to a stray toy smashing the door glass.

Many people panic when the glass element of a door is broken, thinking that the whole door will need to be replaced; this is not the case. A reputable glazing company will be able to replace the broken glass at a reasonable cost. A quality company will use only top quality glass products such as Pilkington Texture glass to complete the repair.

Mirror Repairs

According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings with it 7 years of bad luck; this bad luck can begin with having to pay the cost of a whole new mirror and frame. Glazing repair companies are able to replace mirrors without having to change the frame, reducing the overall repair costs.

Whatever your glazing repair needs, ensure that you use a local glazing company that you can trust for quality and price. Ensure that they have a good reputation for service and value for money.

Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits   Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits   Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits   

Internal and External Glazing Repairs

Many areas of our homes and businesses are made from glass, not just the windows. However, with glass being fragile, it is prone to breakages. There is a common conception that once the glass element of a window, door or furniture item breaks the whole unit needs to be replaced. This I not the case as quality glazing repair companies are able to fix this problem without changing the whole unit.

Window Repairs

Windows are the most abundant glass product in our homes and therefore the chances of it being broken or in need of repair at some point are almost inevitable. If a double glazed window gets smashed, unfortunately the sealed unit itself will need replacing, not simply the glass. Be aware that the unit itself can be removed from the overall window frame and replaced easily. Do not be fooled by double glazing companies that may insist that the whole window needs replacing e.g. if you have a bay window and only one of the panes of glass gets destroyed.

A broken window can happen at any time of the day or night and cannot be left unattended to as it will result in a cold, unsecured property. Ensure that you know a local glazier who offers a 24 hour emergency repair or boarding service so that should you need them, you know who to contact.

Internal Glass Door Repair

Internal doors often feature a glass element as it allows light to pass through thus making the house more illuminated as a whole. It can also compliment the décor of the rooms, particularly if the glass is patterned.

The only issue with having glass in interior doors is that they often get slammed shut, causing the glass to weaken and sometimes shatter as a result. Also, children playing in houses often have little or no regard for the breakable items around them, occasionally leading to a stray toy smashing the door glass.

Many people panic when the glass element of a door is broken, thinking that the whole door will need to be replaced; this is not the case. A reputable glazing company will be able to replace the broken glass at a reasonable cost. A quality company will use only top quality glass products such as Pilkington Texture glass to complete the repair.

Mirror Repairs

According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings with it 7 years of bad luck; this bad luck can begin with having to pay the cost of a whole new mirror and frame. Glazing repair companies are able to replace mirrors without having to change the frame, reducing the overall repair costs.

Whatever your glazing repair needs, ensure that you use a local glazing company that you can trust for quality and price. Ensure that they have a good reputation for service and value for money.

Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits   Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits   Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits   

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