Monday, December 10, 2012

Modified Humans with High Tech Components Will Soon Thought Swap in Social Networks

Judging by the title of this article, I am sure I've got your full attention. Recently, I was speaking to an acquaintance out in California, an up and coming intellectual of sorts and we got onto the topic of how the human body talks to itself. For instance, when you are hungry, your stomach sends signals to your brain, and since there are neurons in the stomach for instance and yes, everything is connected in the complex human bio-system (as Josh Balaban recently reminded me), or any organism for that matter.

Josh also reminded me that a stimulus, thought, or a question is what causes the first action. Okay so, yes, often "we" or rather the academics often see the stimulus and question within the same process. Knowing this reality, plus the current evolution of social networks and the blurring of human/computer interfaces, one might ask; will humans someday have a "social networking chip" attached to the organic brain, where, we can thought swap, rather than have to use Siri on the iPhone to send a message?

Think of the potential applications, for instance entertainment value; what if someone who had an adrenal rush, perhaps from a B.A.S.E. jump could send that sensation to their "friends" on "MindBook" for instance? Maybe, one could send a memory, or experience too, and charge for it. So you could sit back, and open that zip file in your brain chip and "feel" the rush for instance?

Okay, now let me ramp up the dialogue and go through some rather way-out thoughts here.

If we are now adding sensors to the organic biosystem to compliment it, for instance eye sensors which might also have infrared, "Bionic" type eye, and see frequency, then the individual would have more input to respond too and have a different experience, yet, still within the same environment - would this person "know" more, or "know" differently due to the value-added perception available?

Would this indeed help them in many ways and give them the advantage over another, or would it hurt their ability to rapidly respond due to too much information. For instance, in WWII someone who was color blind would not be fooled by camouflage, so they had the advantage, but had weaker abilities and lacking in sight sense abilities. See that point?

What questions might be "asked" by the brain of a shark seeing by sonar, or a bat trying to navigate a rotating wind-turbine blade - or flying into a music hall with the lights off? How fast and intelligently could they respond to that knew and unknown or un-experienced environment, and what of the human with the new features implanted, could they respond or be flustered by something so foreign, and if they had these senses how long until their brain adapted, reformatted let's say the spatial reasoning part of their brain to really utilize all this new information to their advantage?

Would they like it, dismiss it, want to take it out, or would it merely be a 2-3 day adjustment, and all of a sudden, they'd have what others might describe as a sixth sense when in reality it was only an assisted elevated sense of the same, in this case a robust boost in eye-sight?

And then, what of the "clicking" used by some Amazon and African tribes to hear-see in the dark, how come they have the ability and those in Los Angeles can't even hear a bus about to run them over due to the over abundance of information flow? Would a bigger brain or a better structured brain, or differently formatted brain work better, choose to use the information differently, and is the basic premise merely a throw-back to the reality that the human brain is so marvelous a device that it can adapt or format as needed to nearly any environment once the "user" focuses on the needs, wants, and desires due to their thoughts, decisions, questions, and stimulus process?

Can we design sensors to interface in such a way to boost and accelerate communication and merge the global world with each individual? And can we do this in such a way to make it all work in a positive way without creating a mass mob of the mindless Borg of humanity? Please consider all this and think on it.

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